Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. (Part 1)

Our first couple of days were spent just getting out bearings around this huge exciting city. Took the free tram around to see the highlights and made Lee get off and explore the Queen Victoria Markets with over a 1000 stalls selling absolutely everything you can imagine i was in heaven Lee on the other hand just followed me around like a lost sheep! But to cheer him up we went to see the MCG stadium where the cricket and aussie rules football is played also drove past the tesltra dome and other sporting stadiums so he was now happy!
The next day we went on a neighbours tour where we got to see the real ramsay street (Pin Oak Court) absolutely fab got to take loads of photos and hear all the gossip about the cast and some up and coming story lines also got to visit erinsborough high school which is actually a school for foreigners who need to learn english! A great day in all and we also got to watch old episodes of neighbours on the coach. The next day met up with Lee's freind Vic who he used to play football with a great time was had and it was great hearing old stories! Then the highlight of the week we went on a neighbours trivia night where we actually got to meet some of the cast members we got to meet kim timmons, stuart (who has now actually left) and the one and only Harold Bishop! It was a fab night we all got to speak to them and have our photos with them and Harold even knew the Ye Olde Jerusalem pub in nottingham. It was a great laugh and the trivia quiz, well our team was abissmal!! Woke up the next day with a huge hangover and we both spent the day nursing our sore heads!
Whilst in melbourne did manage to go to see an aussie rules football game at the MCG thought it was going to be boring but really good seeing a load of men fighting with each other.
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