Lee and Sonya's World Travels

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Frans Josef and Fox Glaciers

wow wow wow!!!
After our four and a half hour journey from Greymouth we fnally arrived at Frans Josef Glacier Village and checked into the Glo Worm Cottages still with Declan. We had a four bed self contained unit with its own kitchen and ensuite and TV!! for only seven pounds a night with free spa pool.
The weather had follwed us down the west coast and it was absolutely chucking it down with rain but still warm. Decided to go and check out Frans Josef Glacier you can walk to the base of the glacier takes about one hour and after that you need a guide and proper footwear and clothing to climb the rest of the glacier. Frans Josef was absolutely spectacular was unable to see right up to the top due to the low cloud but it still had the wow factor. After that treated ourselves to the free spa and just relaxed. The n next day after much deliberation and being told the heli hikes had been cancelled we decided to book ourselves on a full day hiking trip up fox glacier the second biggest glacier in new zealand the first being the Tasman. The weather was awful rain rain and more rain. The guides insisted that it still would be good so off we went and the were right it was superb was of the best things i have ever done in my life. Steps had been cut out for you by the guides to make it easier to walk on but we were still knackered and extremely wet and when we got cold the guides made us do aerobics on the glacier great fun. Spent most of the time on my arse falling down with the rest of the group laughing.
We saw loads of cool things in the ice like cravesses ( not sure how you spell it) and the bluest ice you have ever seen and loads of cool whirlpools. Throughout our climb you could hear what sounded like thunder until we were informed it was just part of the glacier breaking off and if we saw ice or rocks coming towards us then we should run! Luckily we didn't have to do this though! When the hail started to come down as well as more rain the guides decided enough was enough and we headed back down for hot chococlate as we were absoultely freezing and wet despite five layers of clothing plus waterproofs! but an experience in a lifetime definitely to be repeated!
The day in all was just amazing and difficult to describe just hope the photos help.

Sonya x


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