Wellington, Capital NZ North Island

It took us 4 hrs to drive to Welligton from Napier, our longest yet by far. Unfortunately the weather wasn't much better. It was raining, grey and very windy with the wind biting right through you. We booked into our Hostel which was a hell hole but the only one with free off street parking which was essential. The whole place was disguting the showers were filthy the hostel was dirty and the kitchen well gross gross gross when you rung the cloth out to wipe the sides the cloth still stuck to your hands. After that point we decided no more and would pay that bit extra for a nice youth hostel and would pay for parking as well. We booked into base backpackers after two nights in the hell hole and we were back in luxury thank god! The weather remained crappy throughout our stay. We had a few good nights out here saw a few bands not to mention the Foo Fighters who were just absolutely brilliant and at one point Dave Grohl (the lead singer) was actually singing just below us wow wow wow!
Went on a coastal walk around the red rocks and the seal colony only to discover that it is the wrong season for the seals so nevermind but we did have to lend our services to a couple who stupidly drove instead of walking on the rocks and their car had got stuck and we and ok another truck had to pull the car out and saved the day in exchange they gave us a lift back to save our tired legs!!
visited several museums all free so that definitely suited our budget as have spent a fortune so far on this trip but what thehell you only live once!! Visited the Houses of Parliament where we sat in and watched many of the debates well it was quite amusing all these MPs just arguing with each other and not really solving anything makes you wonder why they get paid so much.
all in all an ok city but nothing special especially for a capital city!!
sonya x
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